Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ryder's First Haircut

This past Friday, 10/9, Ryder got his first haircut. He was about 5 1/2 months which was the youngest the salon had ever done. Ryder did great. He even let the lady use clippers. The salon had one woman take pictures for me and at the end they gave me a cute certificate with some of Ryder's hair. I had no idea one haircut could make a little boy look so different, but it certainly did.

I will start with some before pictures, these are from Thursday night.

Haircut pictures...

The mullet is gone...

Look, Ryder has ears again...

So darn cute...

We were going to visit Ricky right after the haircut, so I let the girls style Ryder's hair. They used gel and gave him a mohawk, spiky look. It was pretty funny.

Dad was not too pleased with the gelled hair. He tried to muster a smile...but he ended up just looking defeated.

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