Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ryder's First Football Game 9/5/09

We have had a big week. I need to stay on top of this blog or I am going to start missing thing. So, last week, Nini (Deb) came to visit. Ryder went to his first tailgate and football game and saw his first fireworks. Everything was a big success; Ryder loved the game, although he napped through some of it (which worked out great). He loved the band and really liked the fireworks.  Plus K-State won!! Woo Hoo!

I was a bad mom and forgot to put the memory stick back in my camera to document the momentous first, thank goodness the people sitting with us took a couple pictures and emailed them to me!

PS Watching a football game with an infant is a whole different animal. No loud cheering or clapping, no “first down” chants. I had to prayer the people next to me would not cheer too loud and I savored the moments when the whole crowd was standing (Ryder loves to be held and sway).  It was different but every bit as fun!

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